Energywork is exactly what it sounds like - a way of working intuitively with the bodies energetic structures (chakras, meridians, auric fields, etc.) to shift how we feel emotionally,mentally, and spiritually. Our minds can get stuck spinning in circles, our emotions can become huge waves that seem insurmountable. And both of those things can work their way into the physical body and become stuck, creating pain, trouble breathing, or a number of other issues. Through techniques like chakra clearing, reiki, sound therapy, crystal grid work, breathwork, and more we can work to release these restricted, sticky areas and increase your sense of well-being so that you can live your life fully and happily.
With energywork, I look for patterns. There is almost always multiple things going on in out systems too complex for the traditional "treat the symptoms" methods to work. As one energetic restriction releases, it will always effect another area of the body and I look for these connections so that there can be long lasting change for the client.
Energywork takes into account everything that you are. We are not simply meat and bones. We are light. We are what we think we are, yet we are also something that exists beneath our thoughts. This light that we are can be as bright as a thousand suns or as dim as the soft glow of an edison bulb. In energywork we work together to explore the obstacles to your full brightness and connect you to the you that exists in the center of the center of your being.
With energywork, I look for patterns. There is almost always multiple things going on in out systems too complex for the traditional "treat the symptoms" methods to work. As one energetic restriction releases, it will always effect another area of the body and I look for these connections so that there can be long lasting change for the client.
Energywork takes into account everything that you are. We are not simply meat and bones. We are light. We are what we think we are, yet we are also something that exists beneath our thoughts. This light that we are can be as bright as a thousand suns or as dim as the soft glow of an edison bulb. In energywork we work together to explore the obstacles to your full brightness and connect you to the you that exists in the center of the center of your being.